Friday, September 16, 2011



Village tourism has been emerged as a very new cocept in the Nepalese tourism industry. Nepal is normally popular in the world for the adventure travel, white water rafting and great jungle safari, staying at the specially built resorts or the self pitched tents. A brand new concept of village tourism where the guests - YOU would be taken to the carefully picked up village where you would be given the chances to know the local people, their culture by allowing them to stay on one of the house as a family member. A few guest room and kitchen are developed without disturbing the village environment. Villages continue their daily normal works and guests enjoy participating in the village activities.  As you would be staying as a family member with your host family, you can participate in all activities of their daily choirs.
Village Tourism NepalThe friendly and hearty behaviors of the family members gives you a different experience that you have never enjoyed before. You have the chance to eat the traditional local food prepared in the neat and clean kitchen, which are delicious and are hygienic.
The tour gives you the chances to explore the real villages unlike having spent short time in different villages on trek. Your accomodation is in an actual home, allowing you to feel the cross-cultural exchange in the more authentic way unlike staying at the local lodge filled with other backpackers. You will be observing the real Nepalese cultural tradition from the closest quarter and intermingle with the locals. Besides, any expenses made at that level directly contribute to the welfare of the local community, which ultimately gives you the high sense of satisfaction.
Village Tourism Nepal

 Village Tours are normally conducted in Sirubari, Bandipur, Kakani and Gorkha. And Adventure Silk Road is operating the tour in other parts of Nepal too at the Chepang Village, Ghalegaun Village, Gorkha Village, Dhading Village, Lumbini Village, Balnthali Village.
Adventure Silk Road being your host will be proud to take you to one of the village tour of your interests in Nepal. Please write to us for more information about the village tours in this fascinating country. For more details information about Nepal Village Tours, Trekking and Home stay itinerary please visit bellow readymade itinerary and if you are looking 
Lumbini Village
Lumbini Village Tour NepalA walk through the village surrounding Lumbuni interaction  with warm and hospitable  local people , buying their  authentic  handicraft produce and observing their  traditional rituals will bring one closer to understand the diversity of  tarai culture. In Nepal. Tour of village also gives opportunity  to observe  Treai landscape and  vegetation found in the  outskirts  of the  settlement. The people in this traditional  villers offer  a peek at thrie agro- based rural lifestyle colorful costume , festival which they celebrating with much joy and enthusiasm and gracious hospitality. They belong different  religions cast and creed, with agriculture as main occupation The main festival  celebration  by the people  The main festival celebrated by the people are Nag  Panchami  Holi  Dashain  and Thihar,  Tourist can visit the local temple and mosques or partake in the culture ceremonies . the wetland  area  lakes and pounds in the village also offer bird watching opportunities Visitor have option choosing to walk through  the villagers . riding through a local  rickshaw or bullock cart. Ekala offers culture sightseeing in village and  bird watching  at  lake  Karabolaha  that has a crane sanctuary   nearby. Visitours  can also visit Shiva  and kalimaisthan temples and aosque in the neighborhood. They live in ideational stone  tend house. The main ethnic  groups who lives here Are yadav, hatijan, Chamar, Gupta and Muslim. The languages spoken are Bhojpuri and  Nepali.
Khudabagar offers cultures sight seen  in the village and  bird watching  at Punnihawa lake  which is the wetland areas. The main grope slaving   here are Tharu, yadav, Lodh Harizen, Kurmi, Gupta and  Muslims.  Tourist can also visit the recently set up Tharu museum. Thnuhawa   offers peak are the Muslim   culture and bird watching at crane sanctuary Karbolaha Lake toward the north – west of the village . Here you can observe women working at indigenous crafts making colorful baskets, handicraft items that are also available on sale at different sales outlets . One can also pay visit to the mosque in the village. Lumbini Adarsha has archaeological sites that date back to the 4th and 5th century . Visitors can also visit the Shiva shrines and observe cutstomary traditional costumes, the local agro-based lifestyle. Lumbini Adarsha Leads to the ancient villages of Padariya , Manauri and Khungai . The people living here are mostly Yadhav , Mallah, Shreevastav, Kohar , Murau, Muslim and Goshami.


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