Thursday, September 15, 2011



Public affairs consultant - often referred to as lobbyists, public affairs consultants use their understanding of the political system to provide political and public policy advice to their clients.
* Politician's assistant - provide administrative, research, constituency, parliamentary and publicity support for elected politicians
* Government research officer -design, formulate and conduct social research projects. They collect, manage and analyse information through a variety of research techniques, the results of which may be used to shape policy or to examine the effectiveness of existing policy
* Social researcher - designs, formulates, carries out and manages social research projects, either personally or via agencies.
* Civil service fast streamer - fast track training programme to work with and for government. Job roles within the Civil Service Fast Stream programme include policy adviser, project leader, consultant and researcher.

Jobs where your degree would be useful

* Charity fundraiser - work to achieve an annually agreed money-raising target through actively marketed and promoted activities, campaigns or events.
* Education administrator - organise and oversee administrative activities and systems that support and facilitate the smooth running of an education institution.
* Local government officer - deals with the administrative needs of different departments, assists in the development of policies and procedures, and helps coordinate their implementation. There are many areas of specialism including: finance; personnel; education; social work; and IT.
* Event organiser - identify potential business, researches markets and plan and run all aspects of events on behalf of a client or their own organisation.
* Market researcher - collect data from a variety of sources and uses it to enable informed decision-making in many sectors.
* Volunteer coordinator - coordinates the work of volunteers and develops new voluntary opportunities either within their own organisation or on behalf of other organisations such as hospitals.
* Newspaper journalist - identify potential business, researches markets and plan and run all aspects of events on behalf of a client or their own organisation.

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